Weathering the Storm

Jan 20, 2024

Our Journey at Sushi Kuni West Linn

The Challenge of Freshness Amidst Icy Days

As a newcomer on the West Linn hilltop, Sushi Kuni has always prided itself on serving the freshest sushi. But with the recent onslaught of snow, freezing rain, and icy roads, our commitment has been put to the test in ways we never anticipated.

Braving the Elements for Quality

Our sushi's heart lies in its freshness, sourced directly from Japan. The inclement weather doesn't pause our regular shipments, nor does it lessen our responsibility to prevent waste. Last Wednesday, against the backdrop of howling winds and treacherous roads, we undertook a critical mission: ensuring the safe arrival of our shipment. It was a night of anxious anticipation, but thankfully, our efforts bore fruit, allowing us to open on Thursday.

Tough Decisions During Peak Business Hours

The weekend, usually a bustling time at Sushi Kuni, was eerily quiet. With heavy hearts, we decided to close on Saturday and Sunday, prioritizing the safety of our staff and patrons over profits. This pattern continued into the week, with our doors shut on Tuesday and Wednesday. For a new restaurant, each closed day is a substantial hit – financially and emotionally. Our rent, bills, and salaries don't pause for weather, and neither does our commitment to our team and customers.

Gratitude for Community Support

In these stormy times, the support of our neighbors has been a silver lining. It's more than just business; it's a shared journey of resilience and hope. We're immensely grateful for every bit of encouragement and patronage.

Looking Forward to Brighter Days

As we navigate these challenging times, our spirits are buoyed by thoughts of clear skies and the buzz of a busy restaurant. We long for the days when we can welcome you back, not just as customers, but as part of the Sushi Kuni family.

Stay safe, stay warm, and thank you for standing with us. Here's to brighter days ahead, filled with the joy of sharing our passion for sushi with you.


Agatha and the Sushi Kuni Team